Empowering addicted parents - strengthening families

Addicted Parents

Anne Koopmann / Yvonne Krisam

Addicted Parents

Promoting abstinence and parenting skills in a resource-oriented way

new 1st ed. published 2024. 172 pages All rights available

Addicted Parents

Promoting abstinence and parenting skills in a resource-oriented way

To a large extent, existing therapy programmes for parents with addiction and mental illness fail to look at parenting and family-specific topics. The STAERKE outpatient and inpatient therapy programme is aimed at parents (and expectant parents) who suffer from a dependency disorder or make use of harmful substances. It aims to reinforce parents in their parenting skills and at the same time help them to abstain from their addiction. The topics included in these self-contained modules are: mindfulness, relaxation and skills training, stress and emotion regulation, parenting skills, children's basic needs and development, communication within the family.

• extensive materials: worksheets and information sheets, slide presentations
• six-month programme with group and individual therapy sessions
• stabilising abstinence and promoting parenting skills
• exercises to do together with the children