The art of enduring inner contradictions and ambiguities
1st ed. published 2024. 236 pages All rights available
Wether its conflict in a relationship, political point of views or how to raise children: allowing for nuances and different perspectives in our thinking, actions and feelings demands a lot of us. Psychotherapist Nesibe Kahraman explains in her book why ambiguity tolerance essential for our own wellbeing as well as for a good community and how we can learn to endure those many contradictions in our lives.
Engaging stories from therapy sessions, day today observations along with research results shows: only if we accept the “as-well-as” will we as a society have a chance to counter act hatred, discrimination and populism. A book that is both wise and hopeful.
• Cleverly and entertainingly explained how we can stay mentally flexible
• The first popular psychological non-fictional book about ambiguity tolerance