What helps our psyche and what does not

The solution to all your problems: doesn’t exist

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Verena Fiebiger / Sina Haghiri

The solution to all your problems: doesn’t exist

What you can do for your mental health regardless

Artwork by Martin Burgdorff

new 1st ed. published 2024. 232 pages All rights available

The solution to all your problems: doesn’t exist

What you can do for your mental health regardless

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could find the solution for an emotional stable life?
This book is a disappointment and a promise at the same time. Though not delivering a cure-all, it displays how life can get better in a realistic and personal way. Whether sleep problems, high expectations, endless pondering, envy, anger, or overstepping boundaries: In co-operation with psychotherapist Sina Haghiri, journalist Verena Fiebinger uncovers which strategies aren’t just a short-term remedy but will actually help us in the long run to live life with more composure. A brilliantly honest and self-deprecating evaluation of what we should do more in our lives and what we can leave behind in the pursuit of establishing order to our emotional chaos and our supposed short comings.

• An enjoyable, sound and self-deprecating read
• Written by the hosts of the successful podcast “Die Lösung”
• Calls to action and recommended approaches