“Even if it weren’t Pauli, nobody should get lost in a hat and not be looked for”

Like the Strangest Dream

Lisa Krusche

Like the Strangest Dream

new 1st ed. published 2024. 263 pages From the age of 12 years up All rights available

Like the Strangest Dream

All of a sudden Pauli is gone! She fell into the hat, claims Eliott. “What does that weirdo know,” Pola thinks. But Pauli falls and tears apart the sky of an unknown world in which everyone live in harmony with each other, without any characteristics that set them apart. Unfortunately, Pauli disturbs the peace on a massive scale. In their old world, Eliott and Pola are forced to join forces - after all, someone has to get Pauli back. And it's not the adults. So: how the hell do you get someone out of a hat?
A daring literary expedition by an excellent author - for all those who love language and unusual stories.

- Excellent author who finds a new voice here.
- About the self-healing powers of adolescents and an extraordinary friend.