2nd ed. published 2024. 292 pages All rights available
- successful treatment for sleep disorders
- over 100 working materials
- written by well-known authors
Sleep disorders are dramatically widespread: 4.8 million Germans suffer from chronic sleep disorders. A third of employees regularly feel exhausted and complain about reduced performance. However, if those affected find their way into psychotherapy, some simple measures can significantly improve the quality of their sleep.
The tools book provides therapists with working materials for comprehensive diagnostics. The important components in therapy are the psychoeducation of those affected, classic behavioural therapy and cognitive procedures. The concept is expanded to include emotion-based approaches and relaxation procedures. One chapter is also devoted to medication – as well as the question of what does not help.
Introduction • diagnostics • sleep and self-observing • sleep disorders • operant and respondent procedures • cognitive interventions • emotion-based approaches • relaxation procedures • drug interventions • what usually doesn't help? • special features of therapy for various illnesses
Target group:
Doctors, psychotherapists in training and practice