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The basics for biography work

Biography Work with Older People with Mental Handicaps

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Bettina Lindmeier / Lisa Oermann

Biography Work with Older People with Mental Handicaps

1st ed. published 2017. 238 pages All rights available

Biography Work with Older People with Mental Handicaps

Concepts for shaping transitions into retirement, senior’s programs, dementia care, and care of older people who live with their parents

Biography work encourages people to reflect on their own lives, to remember, and to talk about what they remember. This becomes especially important before retirement and when entering the older years. It invites people to summarize, assess where they are now, and make plans for the future. The information in this volume is presented in a way that makes it easy to apply to actual practice, with suggestions for incorporating it into the context of adult education and the education of older people. It introduces concepts for learning through biography work and ways to provide everyday care that take an individual’s biography into consideration. It gives special consideration to transitions into retirement, senior’s
programs, dementia care, and the care of older people who live with their parents. Examples of course concepts and methodology round out the content.

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